Annual Report 2019
Although the organisation has grown considerably, the ethos and values of Ikamva Labantu remain rooted in human rights and dignity for all.
Ishrene Davids, General Manager
Early childhood development
Seniors Programmes
Message from leadership
Early Childhood Development (ECD)
Practitioner Training
Kwakhanya Early Childhood Learning Centre continues to serve as a one-of-a-kind training facility for community practitioners. Here, they have the space and support to hone their practical teaching skills in a real classroom environment, while receiving mentorship from seasoned practitioners.
Although the curriculum covers ages 0-5 years, a unique aspect of this programme is the inclusion of a training module that focuses on the development of babies. There is a dire lack of resources available to practitioners who care for babies, despite it being widely recognised that the first two years of a child’s life are crucial for social, educational and emotional development.
Practitioners are trained in simple activities that foster the development of communication skills for babies. The introduction of ‘lap-time’ ensures that appropriate learning techniques are used to help the babies develop language and communication skills, such as eye contact, anticipation (learnt through games such a peek-a-boo), and listening and engaging with others.
The ECD Principals and Practitioners graduated from their respective training programmes after much hard work and dedication. They have since taken all their learnings and experience back to their own community preschools, where they work to uplift their communities every day. Congratulations to all our graduates!
In February this year we welcomed a new cohort of trainees who have embarked on the Ikamva Labantu Learning Programme.
Kwakhanya Educare gains a new principal
In 2018, our Kwakhanya Educare Preschool welcomed a new Principal. Andiswa Mfengwana joined our ranks in 2012 as a pre-school practitioner. The love and passion that Andiswa has for children is evident in her work ethic and she has already blossomed in her new role as Principal. We know that the staff and children at Kwakhanya will continue to flourish under her leadership.
“I enjoy mentoring aspiring practitioners; I want to set a good example for them because I know that it’s not only about the practitioners themselves, but also the hundreds of children that they work with.”
Older persons
I do feel scared at home. On pension days it is easy for us to become victims. One of the old ladies, my neighbour, was killed in her house on pension day.
“At the weekend, I find it hard to sleep because I am scared people can break in through the windows. My only wish before I die is to get burglar bars on my windows and doors. I asked the local welders to help me and they told me how much it would cost. It is too much money for me to take from my pension but I will save R200 a month until I have enough.”
Mandisa Velem
Ikamva Labantu’s fieldworkers walk door-to-door throughout Cape Town’s townships, looking for senior citizens in need. We call these fieldworkers ‘Umelwanes’, which means ‘neighbourhood friend’ in isiXhosa. The Umelwane initiative is an extension of the Seniors' Programme that provides home-based care to frail older persons. These interventions improve the health of older persons to the extent that they are able to leave their homes and join their peers at an Ikamva Labantu senior club.
Read more about the Umelwane project here.
Senior Clubs
In October, Truworths Community Foundation donated R1.5 million to assist with the upgrading and refurbishment of 11 senior clubs, where older persons in need access essential services and support.
Two clubs have since been completed, creating brighter, safer and more functional spaces for the club members to enjoy. Importantly, they have also brought the clubs into compliance with the minimum norms and standards required by the Department of Social Development (DSD). This allows each club to maintain their monthly subsidy from DSD – a critical source of income. We look forward to continuing with this project and completing the remaining renovations.
Renovations of Laphumilanga Club in Dunoon were completed in February, in partnership with the French Embassy in South Africa. We launched the opening of the new club with festivities and were joined by Christophe Farnaud, the then French Ambassador to South Africa, who has been a true supporter of Ikamva Labantu's work with older persons during his time in office.
Ikhaya Labantu
Ikhaya Labantu is a frail care facility in Langa that cares for people with severe disabilities and older persons in need. We have worked closely with staff at the facility for many years and have recently come on board to assist them with renovations. In order to continue providing vital services to their residents, numerous upgrades to the facility are needed. This includes electrical and plumbing work, as well as upgrades to dormitories and structural elements. With these building upgrades, Ikhaya Labantu can achieve registration with DSD and access a government subsidy. In addition to the renovations, we are also assisting with upskilling and capacity building. This involves training and educating staff in best practice caregiving and providing administrative support to management.
Awareness and advocacy work
Ikamva Labantu’s Founder and Honorary President, Helen Lieberman, wrote about the indignity of ageing in poverty and the role that NGOs, government and the private sector play in overcoming this social ill.
Read Helen’s thoughts here.
Alongside Helen, Lulama Sigasana (Programme Manager: Seniors) spoke to Cape Talk’s Pippa Hudson on World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. Listen to the interview here.
Many of the older persons that we work with have suffered various forms of trauma in their lives, and are victims of financial, emotional or physical elder abuse. Due to the frequency of these reports, we introduced Elder Abuse Awareness workshops at each of our 19 Senior Clubs. Headed up by our Social Workers, these workshops sought to offer participants a place of safety to talk through and cope with life’s challenges. They also served as a stepping stone for participants to seek out individual counselling sessions to help them deal with past traumas.
Following these workshops, we found that participants were more comfortable reporting personal challenges, allowing our staff to offer the necessary care and support.
Children have the right to be safe and supported throughout their school years. Sadly, life in Cape Town’s townships doesn’t always allow for this. Most schools lack extracurricular activities and aftercare facilities, and many parents only return from work late in the evening. As a result, when the school day is over, children are often left to play in the streets unsupervised. This time on the streets increases exposure to the dangers of violence, crime, gangsterism and drugs.
Growing up amid these circumstances can stifle a child’s ability to grow and thrive. Places of safety are essential for protecting children from the surrounding dangers and giving them a space to feel cared for and loved.
The Afternoon Angels programme was started by a group of 56 women from Cape Town’s townships as a response to this issue. These women have opened their homes to 1,532 local children to provide a place of safety where they can receive a nutritious meal, emotional support, and a space to play in the afternoons.
Ikamva Labantu is proud to support this community initiative.
Walking bus
In Delft and Wesbank, where gangsterism is rife, children are often scared to walk to school for fear of gun violence. In response, community members have come together to take their children’s safety into their own hands. Each morning, a group of adults create a ‘walking bus’. With reflective vests on, they surround schoolchildren from the neighbourhood to create a protective barrier between them and the violence of the streets. Guarded by parents, aunts, uncles and neighbours, the children are able to walk to school without fear, embraced by the safety of their community.
We now hope to replicate the walking bus initiative throughout our Afternoon Angels groups in the hope of keeping children safe as they journey to and from school.
Ikamva Labantu provided self-defence training to the walking bus members in Gugulethu. And with your help, we hope to replicate the walking bus initiative throughout our Afternoon Angels groups in the hope of keeping children safe as they journey to and from school.
Fundraising dinner
In October, we celebrated Cape Town's elderly citizens at a fundraising event for our Seniors' Programme. The evening was an opportunity to celebrate the strength and resilience of our elders, whilst highlighting the many challenges that they face today.
The night was full of music, storytelling and conversation and we were delighted to host Judge Dennis Davis as the keynote speaker.
We are grateful to all who gave on the evening. The R153,300 raised will go far in providing care, companionship, and support to over 1,000 senior citizens in Cape Town's townships.
Women’s Charter Review Conference
Representatives from Ikamva Labantu were invited to participate in the Women’s Charter Review Conference held in Parliament. As members of civil society, we were grateful to be able to contribute to this forum, which reviews progress made since the adoption of the Women’s Charter and discusses a path forward for South Africa’s women.
Recognising Human Rights Abuses
On Human Rights Day, we partnered with the South African Human Rights Commission, that has been educating our fieldworkers on human rights issues and violations of these rights. Being able to identify and respond to human rights abuses among older persons and children is essential to the work of Ikamva Labantu’s fieldworkers.
Ikamva Labantu is deeply grateful to the following individuals, businesses and foundations who made donations between March 1, 2018 and February 28, 2019.
You are integral to Ikamva Labantu’s success!
Abe and Lily Swersky Charitable Trust
Adam Pertofsky
Adrian and Liz Botha
Adrienne and Brad Altman
Alexander Waibel
Allan Karan and Lynne Dolle
Allan Reich
Allen and Eleanor Avrutin
Amanda and Mark Herson
Amazon Smile
Ana Karchmer
Andre van der Kouwe
Andrea Steer
Anette Rhudin
Angie Lumgair
Anita Gram
Ann Hess and Errol Norwitz
Ann Silverman
Anna Östlund
Annelie Maré
Antonella Stromberg
Arlene Foundation
Armand Andreassian
Asa Waldenström
Astra Centre
Avin Lieberman
B Van Leeuwen
Barbara A Burg and Priscilla A Golding
Barbara Appel
Barbara Wolf
Barbie Golan
Barry Pogrund
Barry and Regan Stein
Belinda Oosthuizen
Benevity Fund
Bernard Osrin
Bernie Greenberg
Black Sash
Bobby and Ellen Eisenberg
Bowman Selig Families Charitable Trust
Brian Pomerantz
Brittany Houston
Bruce Boucher
C Aaron
Calvin Trillin
Cape Union Mart
Carl Matseke
Carl Snitcher
Carol Green and Andrew Levine
Caroline Michel
Carys Bailey
Catherine Faulks
Catherine Harris
Cedric Sasman
Cedric Suzman
Celerity Systems (Pty) Ltd
Celia Holdings Inc.
Charisse Nel
Charities Advisory Trust
Cheryl Haefle
Children of the Universe Foundation
Christine Mutnikas
Cindy Marshall
Claudia Marcus
Clive Smith
Cohen Charitable Trust
Colleen Jackson
Colleen McCreadie
Community Chest
Dani Cohen
Daniel Rothstein
David Francis
David Graaff Foundation
David Mills and RL Spellman
David Ringrose
David Samuels
Dean Solomon
Debbie Flaks
Deborah Compton
Debra Aurich
Desmond Kaplan
Donald Francis Donovan
Dorrit Ger
Dudu Makhari
Durbell Pharmacies
Elizabeth Moodlie
Eileen E Schwartz
Elana Castle and Grant Smuts
Elena Padovano
Elisabeth Gurthrie and Stanley Yankelowitz
Elyse and Abe Alperstein
Emilie Cozzi
Erika Persson
Evelyn Brooks Higginbotham
Felicity and Stanley Schwartz
Flavia Ricci
Fred and Lesley Israel
Friends of Ikamva Labantu USA
Gail La Vita
Garth Johnson
Gavin Maskell
Gavin Mohammed
Gavin Norwitz
Gemma Cowan
Gertrude Ahlqvist
GML Sustan
Goldberg Fur Charitable Fund
Goldman Sachs Gives
Greymatter & Finch
Harriet Finck
Hayley Longley
Helen and Michael Lieberman
Helen Drabbe
Helene Weitzenkorn
Henry Payne
Hernan Gutierrez
Hester Klopper
Holly Humphreys
Huguenot Investment (Pty) Ltd
Ikamva Labantu Empowerment Trust
Ilana Gordon
Ilana Shone
Ina Voloshin
Industrial & Domestic Building Projects
Ingenuity Property Investments Ltd
Investec Bank Limited
Irene Mittan
Isakow Foundation
Ishrene Davids
Israel Fridman
Itec SA (Pty) Ltd
Jacob and Lindsay Lief
Jael Hoin
James and Marion Verdick
Jami Johnson
Jamie Lipskin
Jan and Nikkie Zut
Janine Glanz
Janis Edinburg
Jason Eaglestone
Jean Kilbourne
Jeanette Kruger
Jeanne and David Martowski
Jennifer Preiss
Jennifer Shaoul
Jenny Botha
Jill Rabinowitz and Lawrence Gerstley
Jill Sasloff
Joan Butler
Joan Gillian
Joan St Leger Lindbergh Charitable Trust
Joann Lang
Joel Gershenfeld
John H Gusmer Survivors Trust
Join the Dots
Jonathan and Vivienne Basckin
Jonathan Puskas
Joseph H. & Reva Engel Foundation
Joseph Ross
Josephine McCLellan
Jovana Djeri
Judith and James Milne
Judy Katz
Julia Flaks
Julian Kesler
Karen Kramer
Karin Miller
Kate Murphy
Katherine Schwartz
Kathryn Grody and Mandy Patinkin
Kay Khan
Kirsh Foundation Holdings
Laura Liebstaedter
Lauren Gillis
Leah Mundell
Lee Watson
Leesa Suzman
Leo and Patricia Fine Foundation
Lillian Sober-Ain
Linda Daniels
Lisa van Wyk
Lord and Lady Lurgan Trust
Louise and Risto Silander
Lyndall Gordon
Mai Family Foundation
Marc Handler
Marc Sternberg
Marc Strigel
Margaret Beal
Margaretha Kvarnstrom
Margie Birnbaum
Margie Kenworthy
Maria and Niclas Matseke
Maria Marina Foundation
Maria Rundqvist
Martin Kingston
Martin Nicol
Mary Hlalele
Melissa de Kock
Melvin Hendricks
Merle and Selwyn Furman
Michael Finger
Michael Voss
Michele Guttler
Miranda Bloch
Mirjam Johansson
Molly Pankhurst
Morningstar-Kruger Family Fund
Mpho Hlalele
Muir de Wet
My School My Village My Plannet
Nadeemah Dawray
Nancy Donald
Nancy Karp
Nandos Services
Natalie Barnett
Natalie Popper
Neville Frankel
Nikki Paige
Old Mutual Staff Volunteer Fund Trust
Palmetto Project
Pam Gennert
Pam Parkin
Pascale and Richard Berner
Patrick Naidoo
Pauline Friedman
Peter Mitchell
Peter Theron
Philip Krawitz
Philip Morris South Africa (PTY) Ltd
PJ O'Connell
Priscilla Golding
Rachel Oberstein
Ralph Roseman
Reine Flodin
Relate Trust
Renee Bishop
Reunert Limited
Reverend Lynn Gladstone Fund
Rick Lee
Robert and Marilyn Mazur
Robert Anderson
Robert Shwartz
Robyn Minnie
Rochelle G Ruthchild
Roland Beck
Rolene Miller
Ronnie and Lorna Diamond
Russel and Jean Endres
Sarah Scarth
Schonberger Family Foundation
Shannon Norwitz
Sharon Lomofsky
Sharon Rich
Sharon Venn
Shirin Stein
Shirley Tamaris
Signature Flight Support
Sigrid Rausing Trust
Spark ATM Systems
Stacie Stender
Starfish Greathearts Foundation USA
Stephen and Susan Wagner
Stichting Elf
Stichting Vogelgezang
Sue and Bernard Pucker
Sue and Tom Tweeddale
Sunset Pharmacy
Susan Farrell
Susan Gershenfeld
Susan Olson
Sven Kamer
Sylvie Foulds
Taylor Incorporated
Tessa Gordon
The Ann Kretizer Will Trust
The Benevity Community Impact Fund
The Embassy of France in South Africa
The Goldschmidt Family Foundation
The Harry and Bertha Tuch Charitable Trust
The Harry Crossley Foundation
The Kurt & Joey Strauss Foundation
The Peninsula Trust
The Resource Alliance
The Rolf-Stephan Nussbaum Foundation
The Rubi & Anne Chaitman Foundation
The Stanley & Zea Lewis Family Foundation
Thea Bader
Thomas Ringle
Ticktin Timbers
Trevor Hansen
Trevor Norwitz
Truworths Community Foundation
V&A Waterfront Holdings (Pty) Ltd
Veronica De Bruyn
Veronique Susman
Victoria Goldberg
Vincent Hoogduyn
Warren and Susan Stern Family Fund
Western Cape Government: Department of Social Development
Young Presidents Organization Cape Town
Yvonne Ruiz
Zenprop Property Holdings (Pty) Ltd
In order to ensure continued stability and strength, Ikamva Labantu has recently established the Helen Lieberman Community Development Trust, an Endowment Fund that aims to create a self-funding model for the future. We have also launched a new Bequest Programme, offering friends and donors a new way to give that will ensure their legacy lives on for generations to come. Read more about leaving a bequest here.
We are fortunate that a large and diverse donor base supports Ikamva Labantu’s programmes and community service centres, which are well established within the communities we serve. With increased support, more children and elderly persons can benefit from strengthened programmes to meet the growing need for our services. With this in mind, our centres have been designed so that we have the infrastructure to expand our operations when the opportunity arises.
Ikamva Labantu prides itself on good governance and is grateful to everyone who takes the time to give their support in so many ways. We are grateful to our Board of Trustees and Protectors, made up of individuals who are dedicated to the causes and communities Ikamva Labantu is committed to. The Board of Trustees for Friends of Ikamva Labantu (FOIL) USA and UK are integral in supporting Ikamva Labantu’s international activities and we extend our gratitude to these dedicated individuals who indirectly serve our South African communities.Board of Trustees
Board of Protectors
Board of Trustees (FOIL UK)
Noeleen Cohen (Chairperson)
Barbara Alikhani
Carl Snitcher
Board of Trustees (FOIL USA)
Trevor Norwitz (Chairperson)
Shannon Norwitz
Carla Stein
Nancy Muirhead
Judith Milne
Jeanette Kruger
Nadine Shaoul
Financial report
Ikamva Labantu Charitable Trust
(NPO registration number 082-581)
PBO 930 034 425
B-BBEE Level 1
Annual Financial Statements for the year ended 28 February 2019
Statement of Financial Position as at 28 February 2019
Notes | 2019 R | 2018 R | |
Assets | |||
Current Assets | |||
Inventories | 2 | 100,750 | |
Trade and other receivables | 3 | 1,584,521 | 2,921,790 |
Cash and cash equivalents | 4 | 12,755,213 | 10,562,753 |
14,440,484 | 13,484,543 | ||
Non-Current Assets | |||
Property, plant and equipment | 5 | 7,693,016 | 7,190,591 |
Total Assets | 22,133,500 | 20,675,134 | |
Equity and Liabilities | |||
Liabilities | |||
Current Liabilities | |||
Trade and other payables | 6 | 1,336,183 | 907,967 |
Equity | |||
Designated funds | 4,210,536 | 8,147,182 | |
General funds | 16,586,781 | 11,619,985 | |
20,797,317 | 19,767,167 | ||
Total Equity and Liabilities | 22,133,500 | 20,675,134 |
Annual Financial Statements for the year ended 28 February 2019
Statement of Comprehensive Income for the year ended 28 February 2019
Notes | 2019 R | 2018 R | |
Revenue | |||
7 | 30,628,704 | 25,423,535 | |
Cost of sales | |||
- | (21,608) | ||
Gross surplus | 30,628,704 | 25,401,927 | |
Other income | 8 | 997,175 | 984,493 |
Operating expenses | 9 | (31,368,736) | (30,798,708) |
Operating surplus (deficit) | 257,143 | (4,412,288) | |
Investment income | 10 | 773,274 | 1,143,475 |
Finance costs | 11 | (267) | (323) |
Surplus (deficit) for the year | 1,030,150 | (3,269,136) | |
Total comprehensive surplus (deficit) for the year | 1,030,150 | (3,269,136) | |
Total comprehensive surplus (deficit) attributable to: | |||
Designated Funds | (3,936,646) | (4,009,418) | |
General Funds | 4,966,796 | 740,282 | |
1,030,150 | (3,269,136) |